Excel Formulas You Should Know, Most Useful Top 10 Formulas

Hello friends, I don’t think that there would be any one of you who would not be familiar with the name of Microsoft Excel. While learning computer applications, maximum attention is given to Microsoft Office. Nowadays, every company hiring for a job assumes by default that you know how to use Microsoft Excel. Excel is an application that can be used in every sector industry, and almost every company. 

MS-Excel is considered to be the best and easiest application for data analysis. However, to use Microsoft Excel efficiently, it is important that you remember all the important formulas used in Excel spreadsheet.

Excel Formulas You Should Know, Most Useful Top 10 Formulas

Most Useful Excel Formulas

Formulas in Excel are a type of expression whose function is to calculate the value entered in a cell or range of cells in the Excel worksheet.

Formulas are like equations. From which calculations are done. Manipulation is also done in the cell.

All formulas in Excel start with an Equal Sign (=). After which come Constants and then Numeric Value. Later come Calculation Operators which are like this-













Practice the formulas to addition, subtraction, division, multiply, and percentage values in your worksheet. For example, some basic formulas are given below.

=A1+A2 (Here the value of Cell A1 is being added to the value of Cell A2.)

=A1-A2 (Here the value of Cell A2 is being subtracted from the value of Cell A1.)

=A1/A2 (Here the value of Cell A1 is being divided by the value of Cell A2.)

=A1*A2 (Here the value of Cell A1 is being multiplied by the value of Cell A2.)


Sum function is most commonly used in Excel. Its work is used to add (SUM) two or more numeric values in the spreadsheet.

Syntax: =SUM(number1, number2, …)

For example, you have to add two numbers a1=40 and a2=70. So the formula for that will be =SUM(a1:a2).

The total sum of the values present in the cells can also be calculated. For example, the value of A2 cell has to be added to B2. So the formula will be like this =SUM(A2:B2).


Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11


There are many formulas to reduce numbers in Excel. Another way is to select a blank cell, then put equal sign (=), then type numbers separated by minus sign (–). Finally press Enter, you will get the result. For example, =40-20.

Cell reference can also be used to reduce values. For example, you have to subtract the value of Cell B3 from Cell C3 in the worksheet. So for this you will apply the formula like this, =B3-C3

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11


Multiplication Formula is used to multiply values in Excel. However, you can multiply in many ways in Excel. In the first method you can use asterisk (*) arithmetic operator. For example, if you want to multiply the value of Cell B1 by Cell B2. So the formula will be something like this, =B1*B2.

You can also use the PRODUCT function to multiply the values of cells, = PRODUCT(B1,B2).

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11


You can use Division Formula in Excel to divide Numbers, Cells and entire Columns. For this you can use Forward Division (/). The formula is as follows =B1/C1.


The AVERAGE function is used in Excel to find the average of a group of numbers.

Syntax: AVERAGE(number1, number2, …)

For example, if we want to find the average of the numbers from Cell A2 to Cell E2, then the formula will be something like this, =AVERAGE(A2:E2).

Let us tell you that you can also write the arguments in the AVERAGE function like this, =AVERAGE(A1,B1,C1,D1,E1). This method is only for two or three numbers.

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11


What is done to calculate percentage in Excel? Let us know. A fraction of 100 is Percentage. To calculate this, the numerator is divided by the denominator and the result is multiplied by 100. What formula is used to calculate percentage in Excel?

For example, a student has scored 550 marks out of 700 in the examination. We have to calculate the percentage of total marks obtained by the student in Excel.

Then for that we will first click on the cell where we want the result. Then we will put equal sign (=), after that we will reference the cell with Numerator Number. Then we will put slash (/) and then reference the cell containing the denominator number. Something like this, =C2/B2


Use of COUNT Function in Excel is to count the cells containing numbers present in a range of cells.

Syntax: COUNT(value1, value2, …)

For example, suppose your worksheet has entries from Cell A1 to Cell A6. You have to tell how many cells in this range contain numbers. For this you will use COUNT Function which is as follows, =COUNT(A1:A6).

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N. Name Age Voter/Non VoterFormula example
1Jems15Non VoterCalc: =if(C4>=18,"voter","Non Voter")
3Michecal17Non Voter

Total VoterCount0calc : =count(B4:B8)

Total VoterCountA5calc : =countA(B4:B8)


When we select Name Field like : =B4:B8

Count formula calculate only numeric value

CountA formula calculate alphabetics & numeric both


Let us tell you that IF Function is used a lot in Excel. It is used to check a given condition. Whether that condition is TRUE or FALSE.

Syntax: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

For example, a company has a condition that if an employee makes sales above Rs 20,000 in a day then return Yes for commission, otherwise return No for commission. For example, =IF(B2>C2,”Yes”,”NO”).

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N. Name Age Voter/Non VoterFormula example
1Jems15Non VoterCalc: =if(C4>=18,"voter","Non Voter")
3Michecal17Non Voter


MAX Function is used in Excel to find the largest number in a range of cells.

Its syntax is as follows-

Syntax: =MAX(number1, number2, …)

For example, our worksheet contains numbers from cells A1 to D1. To find the max number in all these, the function will be like this, =MAX(A1:D1)

Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11


Unlike MAX in Excel, MIN function is used to find the smallest number in a range of cells.

Its syntax is as follows-

Syntax: =MIN(number1, number2, …)

If we have to find Min Number in the numbers present in cell A1 to D1, then the function will be like this, =MIN(A1:D1)
Basic Excel Formulas Example

S.N.ParticularQtyAmtTotal Amount
Furmula Example
Multiply =c4*d4
2Keyboard 63502100

3CPU Fan73752625



Grand Total16375
Add =sum(e4:e8)

Minimum Amt1000
Min =min(e4:e8)

Maximum Amt7650
Max =max(e4:e8)

Average Amt3275
Avg =agerave(e4:e8)

Subtraction =Maximum-Minimum

Sub =e12-e11

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