Best Computer Courses After Intermediate

Friends, nowadays the demand for computers is increasing so fast. If you do not have computer knowledge or you do not know computers, then it becomes very difficult for you to get a good job. Friends, nowadays everyone from small companies to big companies are going digital and in the coming time the demand for computer skills will increase a lot. Friends, in such a situation it is very important for you to have computer skills.
Best Computer Courses After Intermediate

Friends, if you have passed Intermediate, today we have brought top 5 Best Computer Courses for you. You can do it after Intermediate. So friends, let us know the best computer courses you can do after Intermediate. Friends, the demand for these top 5 best computer courses is going to be very high in the coming time.

Friends, after doing these computer courses, you can easily get a good salary job in any company. If you do not want to do a job, then you can also do your own business. So let us know friends.


Best Computer Courses After Intermediate

Friends, we are telling you the Top 5 Best Computer Courses, if you do any one of these courses in the right way, then you can also do a good salary job in any company. If you do not want to do a job, you can also do your own business, you just need to learn these courses properly. So friends, let us know the 5 best computer courses.


1. Graphic Designing Course -:

With the help of graphic design, we can change the size, location and structure of any object.

Graphic Designing

  • If you want to make a logo of a company or business, then you can design the logo in the right way with the help of graphic designing.
  • If you want to make a banner for any company for promotion, then you can make it properly with the help of graphic designing.
  • If you want to create any thumbnail for social media, then you can create it in the right way with the help of graphic designing.
  • If you want to design any website properly then you can do that very easily with the help of graphic designing.
Where can one do job after doing Graphic Designing course? Friends, let us know where you can do job after doing graphic designing course like: Advertising, Agency, Newspaper Company, Advertising Agency, electronic media, animation film, Freelancing, Social Media Creator, Logo designer, Marketing Designer, Creative Art Designer, Packing designer & Web designer. You can work at a place like Friends etc. for a good salary. If you do not want to do a job, you can also do your own business. By creating your own channel on social media, teaching others, creating courses and selling the courses, you can earn lakhs of rupees per month from all these works.


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2. Animation Course

Animation course is a course which includes the study of techniques of creating illusions and changing the gait of women. It is a process of illusion and transformation by rapidly moving static images that are slightly different from each other. Like – Friends, if you say it in your own language, as you know, any cartoon is a cartoon, when you watch a video, that cartoon moves, speaks, all that is the wonder of animation.

Where can one do job after doing Animation Course? Friends, let us know where you can work after doing animation course like: TV Channel, Ad agency, Game Industries, Web Industries, Freelancing, Cartoon Industries & social media. You can do a good salary job at your place. Friends, if you do not want to do a job, you can also do your own business.

For example, if you work on social media, you can earn a good amount of money by teaching people, making courses, selling courses etc.


3. Web Development Course -:

Friends, in web development course you are taught about creating websites, software and applications etc. for the internet. In web development, not only the website is designed but coding and programming is also done in it. When you search for any information on the Internet, you see many websites, all of them are created by web development coding.

Web Development

Where can one do job after doing Web Development Course? Friends, let us know where you get a job after doing web development course like: Software Engineer, Web Developer, Software Architect, Website Creator, Free Lancing, Social Media Creator & project Manager.

Today, jobs are offered for many posts and after doing this course, you can get a good paying job. Friends, if you do not want to do a job, you can also work on social media and earn lakhs per month sitting at home.


4. Digital Marketing Course

Friends, many types of marketing strategies have to be adopted on the Internet. Friends, in simple language, marketing the business through digital means is called digital marketing. And the course to learn digital marketing is called digital marketing course.

Digital Marketing
Where can one do job after doing Digital Marketing course? Friends, let us know in which jobs you get or in which jobs you can do after doing digital marketing course like: Social Media Manager, Content Marketer, E-commerce manager, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Creator & Freelancing.

You can get a good paying job at a place like yours. Friends, if you do not want to do a job or do not get a job, then you can also do your own business. Like – you can earn lakhs of rupees per month sitting at home by working on social media, by teaching people whatever you have learned.


5. App Development Course

Friends, app development means from designing the app to preparing it completely for the user etc. is taught under app development. App development is a concept which includes the process of designing the app, coding the app, maintaining the app etc. Friends, to put it in simple language, whatever applications you use on your mobile, those applications are created and we call it app development.

App Development

 In which job you can do after doing App Development Course:
  • IT company  
  • E commerce company  
  • Telecom company    
  • App Creator       
  • Freelancer

You can get a good salary job at a place like etc. Friends, if you do not want to do a job and do not get a job, then you can earn a good amount of money by creating your own app.



So friends, these were the top 5 best computer courses which you can do very easily after Intermediate. Friends, you can do it even after 10th. But it would be better to do it after Intermediate, then you will be able to do it properly, understand it and learn well.

Friends, the demand for these courses is going to be very high in the coming time, that is why friends, I have told you about these courses so that if you score them, your time will not be wasted but you will get an advantage.

Friends, if you do not get a job after doing these courses or you do not want to do a job, then you can easily earn lakhs of rupees per month by sitting at home and working on social media, that is, by teaching people what you have learned. Friends, you will not believe that there are many such people on social media who probably would not have been able to earn so much money if they had done a job. They are earning from these social media by sitting inside.

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